ToursByLocals Blog Posts

Sustainable Travel: Tours That Give Back

Apr 03 2024

As the world opens up and you finally step on to that long-awaited flight, it’s more important than ever to consider how to use travel as a force for good. Travel and tourism is a lifeline for many communities around the world, and it goes without saying that the events of the past two years have pushed many of them to the brink. As philosopher Edmund Burke once said, “nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.” We can’t change the world alone, but if we each make our travels that bit more ethical and sustainable, the benefits to nature, animals and some of the most vulnerable communities will abound. With this in mind, some of the guides on ToursByLocals offer tours that mindfully and actively support their local communities. Even a small investment in terms of booking this sort of tour with a local guide can reap great rewards for the community they come from, and the causes closest to their hearts. Small actions from individuals really can make a difference to others’ lives.

Seven Tours That Give Back

From Bean to Cup: A Local Coffee Experience in Ethiopia

This tour in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is a must-do for coffee aficionados. Explore the market stalls with local guide Feven, as she introduces you to the farmers and vendors who sell some of the world's finest coffee beans. You'll learn hands on how to wash the green coffee beans, how to roast them on charcoal, grind it in a mortar and pestle, then make coffee in a clay pot made locally by women in Addis. You'll also have the chance to learn about pottery and weaving techniques from the local artisans. This tour directly benefits local farmers, weavers and potters, sustaining their livelihoods and combating poverty in the area.

Stay with an Indigenous Family in Peru

Visiting and learning from local indigenous people is a high point on any tour, though at times you can feel obligated to purchase trinkets or other items if there is no other viable means of supporting the community. In steps guide Sandra, who has forged a great relationship with Aymara families of Lake Titicaca, Peru. On this tour you can support the community directly through a homestay and sharing the farming work with your host family. Plus, how often can you say that you have woken up in the birthplace of the Incas?

Take Part in Reforestation and Orangutan Protection in Borneo

With deforestation and habitat loss becoming increasingly urgent problems, it can sometimes feel as if we are powerless against the might of large corporations and their thirst for natural resources. One of the most at-risk species are the orangutans of Borneo, who’s population has declined more than 50 per cent during the last 60 years. You can help by visiting and supporting the work of Indonesian orangutan sanctuaries such as the one in this tour. The tour also takes in the Pesalat Reforestation Project which is vital to inject life into the orangutans’ habitat once more.

Plant a Tree in Madeira, Portugal

Many destinations are starting to think more creatively about how tourism can contribute to more than just the economy. Can visitors benefit a place economically AND socially and environmentally? On this tour with Tiago in Madeira, Portugal, you will quite literally give back to the earth by planting a tree. Visit Funchal Ecologic Park with your local guide, plant a native species of tree, and leave the island a better place.

On World Elephant Day, Name an Elephant!

A trip to Kenya will present you with a unique opportunity. Perhaps you have a dog or a cat at home that you’ve picked out a name for in the past. But have you ever had the chance to name an elephant? On this tour you’ll be able to go on safari in Amboseli National Park and enter into the annual elephant naming ceremony, with all proceeds going to support the fantastic work the park is doing to protect this most majestic of species. Please note this tour abides by ToursByLocals Animal Welfare policy; the elephants are observed from a distance, and not touched or interacted with in any way that interferes with their natural state.

Stay in Community-Run Lodges on a Trek in Nepal

The sky’s the limit when it comes to how high a sustainable project can reach. Mountain lodges are an integral part of any Himalayan trek, but these ones are undoubtedly special. Nepalese guide Vimal has been involved in establishing this Annapurna trek tour in partnership with the local community of Nangi, and since 2010 they have trained local people to work in the lodge, with the benefits being fed back into the local schools in particular.

Learn how cacoa becomes chocolate in Ecuador, while giving back to local projects

If you are both a nature and a chocolate lover, this tour was created with you in mind. With Ecuadorian guide Allyson, you'll tread lightly through Churute Mangrove Reserve, one of the few surviving coastal rainforests and mangroves in the world. Then head to a local cacao plantation, and learn from the farmers how cacao blossoms become truffles. Allyson works closely with local environmental charities in Guayaquil, and donates a percentage of every tour's proceeds to their projects.