ToursByLocals Blog Posts

The Best Environmentally-Friendly Travel Destinations in 2024

Mar 21 2024

Many of us travel lovers are also concerned with how to minimize the impact our travels may have on the planet. We’ve shared before our tips on how to travel more sustainably; today we’d like to introduce several countries that are making a concerted effort to adopt green practices and make tourism a force for good within their borders. If you're concerned about the impact of your travel on the environment and want your travels to make a positive difference, consider visiting one of these amazing forward thinking green destinations on your next trip.

Costa Rica

Costa Rica, rich in natural beauty, has made a major commitment to sustainable tourism. The country is home to a wide variety of ecosystems, from lush rainforests to pristine beaches, and has implemented innovative conservation and sustainability practices to preserve its natural resources. Visitors can explore protected areas like Corcovado National Park, which is home to hundreds of rare and endangered species, or take a guided tour of a sustainable coffee farm to learn about the importance of ethical and eco-friendly agricultural practices.


Spain, a global tourist hotspot, stands poised to make serious inroads into green travel with its innovative plans for a more sustainable circular tourism model. What is "circular tourism"? It's the idea that an economy can generate economic wealth through tourism at the same time as improving social inclusion and reducing environmental impact: it doesn't have to be a one-way street, where resources are depleted in the name of economic growth. By putting in place practices like a sustainable tourism tax, over-tourism laws, thoughtful (and limited) tourism accommodation, environmental protection strategies, Spain is starting to model what the future of tourism could look like.


Norway has made significant strides in renewable energy and sustainability. This Scandinavian country is known for its dramatic landscapes, including fjords, glaciers, and mountains. Visitors can join the locals and take part in outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and whale watching while also learning about the country's innovative sustainability practices.

New Zealand

New Zealand is a leader in sustainable tourism. The country has implemented a range of environmentally friendly policies, such as protecting wildlife habitats, promoting sustainable farming practices, and encouraging eco-friendly transportation. New Zealand is also home to absolutely stunning and diverse landscapes, including beaches, mountains, hot springs and forests, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers.


Denmark, which is a leader in sustainable urban design, is another great option. The country has implemented policies that encourage cycling, walking, and public transportation, while also promoting green spaces and renewable energy. Denmark is also home to Copenhagen, recently lauded as the most sustainable travel destination in the world. It has a vibrant food and culture scene, making it an ideal destination for those who want to travel sustainably and soak up the good life while they're at it. Do as the Danes do and hop on a city bike to get around!


Iceland is well known for beckoning travellers with its stunning volcanic landscapes. The Nordic country is also a world leader in geothermal energy, using the power of the earth to heat homes and businesses while minimizing the use of fossil fuels. Visitors can witness this in action at the iconic Blue Lagoon, a geothermal spa that uses naturally heated water from the earth's crust.


Bhutan has embraced a unique approach to measuring progress based on "Gross National Happiness" rather than GDP. Imagine a country that prioritizes its citizens’ happiness over economic growth! Their focus on wellness over profits also helped shape policies that have kept almost 70% of the land forested, making it one of only three carbon negative countries in the world. Bhutan's commitment to sustainable development includes policies that prioritize the conservation of natural resources and the preservation of traditional cultural practices. Visitors can explore ancient monasteries and temples, hike in the Himalayan foothills, and immerse themselves in a culture that places a high value on sustainability and well-being. Wherever you go in 2024, remember that by hiring a local guide, you can travel in a way that is respectful to the local community, reduces your impact on the environment, and enhances your overall travel experience.